Mjesec: lipanj 2022.

U Dubrovniku održan završni sastanak EU Erasmus+ projekta „Ragbi for children“

Projekt “Ragbi za djecu” dvogodišnji je projekt pod pokroviteljstvom Europske unije koji je okupio pet klubova iz tri zemlje Europske unije; Ragbi klub Dragon Brno, Ragbi klub Ljubljana, Ragbi klub Zagreb, Superkid Zagreb i Ragbi klub Dubrovnik koji je nositelj i najmlađi klub među partnerima. Tijekom protekle dvije godine projekta održani su Mobility visit sastanci u Zagrebu, Ljubljani i Brnu, tijekom kojih su partneri predstavili svoje klubove i aktivnosti koje provode. Susreti su poslužili i za razmjenu iskustava u treninzima ragbija za djecu. Cilj je poboljšati vidljivost ragbija kao sporta, istaknuti njegove vrijednosti i potaknuti što više djece da se priključe treninzima i ostanu aktivni u ovom sportu.

Susret u Dubrovniku bio je kruna dvogodišnje suradnje klubova. Na trodnevno druženje došlo je više od šezdeset djece u pratnji trenera. Prva dva dana susreta održani su zajednički treninzi na stadionu Lapad, nakon čega je uslijedio sastanak Mobility visit. Ragbi klub Dubrovnik svojim je partnerima predstavio povijest i organizaciju kluba, dobne skupine i modele treninga te izazove s kojima se susreću u svom radu. Izrađenom SWOT analizom kluba, utvrđeno je da je klub u kratkom vremenu napravio puno, ali i da se nalazi pred velikim izazovima, kao što je nedostatak vlastitog igrališta i popratnih sadržaja. Trećeg dana susreta organiziran je turnir u ragbiju za kategoriju U-14. Turnir je publici pružio više od tri sata mečeva i sjajne igre. Nakon turnira uslijedila je dodjela nagrada za sudjelovanje i druženje uz ručak. U slobodnom dijelu programa gostujući klubovi uživali su u upoznavanju grada i njegovih znamenitosti, dok su djeca najviše uživala u kupanju i ljetnim radostima.

Nakon sastanka zaključeno je da ovakvi projekti i susreti daju puno klubovima, kako za klupske djelatnike i trenere, tako i za djecu koja ovakvim susretima jačaju međusobne odnose u svojim klubovima i razvijaju prijateljstva s vršnjacima iz drugim klubovima. Klubovi su izrazili nadu da će kroz nove projekte ojačati umrežavanje i nastaviti razvoj ragbija.


The “Rugby for children” project is a two-year project sponsored by the European Union that brought together five clubs from three European Union countries; Rugby Club Dragon Brno, Rugby Club Ljubljana, Rugby Club Zagreb, Superkid Zagreb and Rugby Club Dubrovnik, which is the holder and the youngest club among the partners. During the past two years of the project, Mobility visit meetings were held in Zagreb, Ljubljana and Brno, during which the partners presented their clubs and the activities they carry out. The meetings also served to exchange experiences in rugby training for children. The goal is to improve the visibility of rugby as a sport, highlight its values and encourage more children to join training and stay active in this sport.

The meeting in Dubrovnik was the crown of two years of cooperation between the clubs. More than sixty children came to the three-day meeting accompanied by coaches. On the first two days of the meeting, joint training sessions were held at the Lapad Stadium, followed by a Mobility visit meeting. Dubrovnik Rugby Club presented its partners with the history and organization of the club, age groups and training models, and the challenges they face in their work. After making a SWOT analysis of the club, it was determined that the club has done a lot in a short time, but also that it faces major challenges, such as the lack of its own playground and accompanying facilities. On the third day of the meeting, a rugby tournament was organized for the U-14 category. The tournament provided the audience with more than three hours of inter-zone matches and great games. The tournament was followed by the awarding of prizes for participation and socializing over lunch. In the free part of the program, the visiting clubs enjoyed getting to know the city and its sights, while the children enjoyed swimming and summer joys the most.

After the meeting, it was concluded that such projects and meetings provide a lot to the clubs, both for the club staff and coaches, and for the children who, through such meetings, strengthen mutual relations in their clubs and develop friendships with their peers from other clubs. The clubs expressed their hope that through new projects they will strengthen networking and continue the development of rugby.