Održan treći Mobility visit susret u Brnu, dio EU Erasmus + projekta „Rugby for children“

Ragbi klub Dragon Brno bio je domaćin projektnim partnerima iz Ragbi kluba Dubrovnik, Ragbi kluba Zagreb, Superkida i Ragbi kluba Ljubljana. Nositelj ovog projekta je Ragbi klub Dubrovnik, koji je na projektu okupio ragbi prijatelje iz tri različite države da bi razmjenili znanja i iskustva u razvoju ragbija za djecu. Treći Mobility visit sastanak dio je projektnih aktivnosti kroz koje partneri upoznaju kapacitete i način rada drugih klubova.

Projektni sastanak je počeo u prostorima Ragbi kluba Brno gdje je sportska direktorica i glavna trenerica kluba Linda Vratnickova poželjela dobrodošlicu projektnim partnerima. Linda je prisutne provela kroz prostorije kluba koje su predviđene za sastanke i druženje gdje se sastanak i nastavio. Domaćini su goste prvo upoznali s povješću ragbija u Brnu i u Republici Češkoj. Nakon uvoda Linda je predstavila klub; njegovu organizaciju, strukturu, članstvo, trenere i modele rada. Također je iznjela planove za budućnost kluba. Posjeta se nastavila obilaskom klupskih sadržaja koji uključuju: šest svlačionica, teretanu, sobu za trenere, , klupski pub, glavno igralište i popratne sadržaje. Razgovor se nastavio sa razmjenom ideja kako što više djece privući u ragbi i motivirati ih da u ragbiju ostanu do seniorske dobi. Kroz usporedbu klubova i njihovih mogućnosti, zaključeno je da je Ragbi klub Brno na vrlo visokom nivou profesionalnog razvoja. Sadržaji, igralište i uvjeti za treniranje su izvrsni. Na kraju sastanka klubovi su napravili Swot analizu domaćina da bi usporedili njegove jake i slabe strane. 

Nakon formalnog dijela druženje se nastavilo uz brzi ručak prije utakmice Ragbi kluba Dragon Brno vs Praga Praha. Iako su domaćini izgubili prisutni su mogli uživati u zaista izvrsnoj utakmici. Druženje se nastavilo i u večernjim satima na Godišnjem plesnom balu Ragbi kluba Brno kojem su prisustvovali svi projektni partneri. Bila je to prilika za upoznati sportske legende iz Republike Češke, bivše i sadašnje igrače te trenere i osoblje kluba.

Iz Ragbi kluba Dubrovnik izrazili su zadovoljstvo s još jednim konstruktivnim sastankom i razmjenom iskustava. Od Ragbi kluba Brno koji je najstariji i najveći klub među partnerima svakako se može puno naučiti.


Rugby club Dragon Brno hosted project partners from Rugby Club Dubrovnik, Rugby Club Zagreb, Superkid and Rugby Club Ljubljana. The holder of this project is the Rugby Club Dubrovnik, which gathered rugby friends from three different countries to exchange knowledge and experiences in the development of rugby for children. The third Mobility visit meeting is part of the project activities through which the partners get to know the capacities and the way of work of other clubs.

The project meeting started in the premises of Rugby Club Brno, where the sports director and head coach of the club Linda Vratnickova welcomed the project partners. Linda took the attendees through the club premises, which are intended for meetings and socializing, where the meeting continued. The hosts first introduced the guests to the history of rugby in Brno and the Czech Republic. After the introduction Linda introduced the club; its organization, structure, membership, coaches and work models. She also outlined plans for the club’s future. The visit continued with a tour of the club facilities which include: six locker rooms, a gym, a coaching room, a clubs pub, the main pitch and additional features. The conversation continued with the exchange of ideas on how to attract as many children as possible to rugby and motivate them to stay in rugby until senior age. Through a comparison of clubs and their capabilities, it was concluded that Rugby Club Brno is at a very high level of professional development. The facilities, playground and training conditions are excellent. At the end of the meeting the clubs did a Swot analysis of the host to compare his strengths and weaknesses. After the formal part, the socializing continued with a quick lunch before the match of the Dragon Brno Rugby Club vs Praga Praha. Although the hosts lost, those present were able to enjoy a really great match. The gathering continued in the evening at the Dragon Brno Rugby Clubs annual dance ball, which was attended by all project partners. It was an opportunity to meet sports legends from the Czech Republic, former and current players and coaches and staff of the club.

The Rugby Club Dubrovnik expressed their satisfaction with another constructive meeting and exchange of experiences. Much can certainly be learned from Rugby Club Brno, which is the oldest and largest club among partners.











































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