Održan drugi mobility visit projekta “Ragbi za djecu”

Prošli vikend, od 19. do 21. studenog u Zagrebu se održao drugi po redu mobility visit EU projekta „Ragbi za djecu“. Projekt je to na kojem je Ragbi klub Dubrovnik glavni partner, a projektni partneri su Ragbi klub Zagreb, Ragbi klub Ljubljana, Ragbi klub Dragon Brno i DSR Super Kid Zagreb.

Domaćin ovog mobility visita bio je RK Zagreb, te im se ovim putem iskreno zahvaljujemo na sjajnom domaćinstvu. Članovi Ragbi kluba Zagreb dočekali su projektne partnere na klupskom igralištu u Rudešu koje se pripremalo utakmicu između RK Zagreb i RK Mladost, tako da je čitav obilazak bio obilježen i stvarnim praktičnim primjerom organizacije utakmice. Sastanak je započeo razgledavanjem klupskih prostorija i terena te pojašnjenjem i prikazom kako se određeni djelovi prostora koriste za ragbi za djecu. S obzirom da klub njeguje dugu tradiciju u igranju ragbija, klub raspolaže sa muškom i ženskom svlačionicom, sanitarnim čvorovima, teretanom, klupskim prostorom sa kuhinjom i prostorom za druženje i vanjskim kaminom. Sve navedeno pruža klubu mogućnost adekvatnih treninga, što naravno uključuje i treninge za djecu, ali i uključivanja šire zajednice kroz različite aktivnosti.

U nastavku programa je održan radni sastanak na kojem je Marko Krpan iz RK Zagreb upoznao projektne partnere s detaljima o strukturi kluba, organizaciji, načinima financiranja, treninzima te problemima s kojima se klub susreće. Tijekom više od dva sata sastanka partneri su razmjenjivali iskustva i poteškoće s kojima se susreću u radu, što je ovaj sastanak učinilo vrlo produktivnim. Zajedničkim snagama izrađena je SWOT analiza RK Zagreb, a partneri su analizirali i načine kako poboljšati postojeće stanje te povećati dugoročnu održivost klubova. Razmotrene su i opcije za buduće suradnje između klubova da bi se povećale mogućnosti; edukacije, mobilnosti i pružanja novih prilika igračima u razvoju da ih se motivira da ostanu u ragbiju, bilo kao igrači ili kao dio organizacije i logistike kluba. RK Zagreb se u većem dijelu oslanja na volonterski rad i čvrstu bazu zajednice. Zaključeno je da je za daljnji razvoj kluba i ragbija u Hrvatskoj općenito neophodna veća podrška medija i bolje praćenje ovog sporta te veći angažman krovnog saveza i podrška tijela vlasti.

Nakon sastanka domaćini su prisutnima priredili zajednički ručak uz druženje i prisustvovanje utakmici RK Zagreb-RK Mladost.



Last weekend, from November 19 to 21, the second mobility visit of the EU project “Rugby for Children” took place in Zagreb. It is a project in which Rugby Football Club Dubrovnik is the main partner, and the project partners are Rugby Club Zagreb, Rugby Club Ljubljana, Rugby Club Dragon Brno and DSR Super Kid Zagreb.

The host of this mobility visit was RK Zagreb, and we sincerely thank them for their wonderful hospitality. Members of the RK Zagreb welcomed the project partners at the club stadium in Rudeš, while they were preparing the match between RK Zagreb and RK Mladost, so that the whole tour was marked by a real practical example of organizing the match. The meeting began with a tour of the club premises and the field, with an explanation and presentation of how certain parts of the space are used for rugby for children. Since the club nurtures a long tradition in playing rugby, the club has a men’s and women’s locker room, toilets, gym, club space with kitchen and space for socializing and an outdoor fireplace. All of the above provides the club with the possibility of adequate training, which of course includes training for children, but also the involvement of the wider community through various activities.

The mobility visit program continued with a working meeting, where Marko Krpan from RK Zagreb introduced the project partners with details about the structure of the club, organization, methods of financing, training and problems that the club faces. During more than two hours of the meeting, the partners exchanged experiences and difficulties they encounter in their work, which made this meeting very productive. A SWOT analysis of RK Zagreb was made with joint efforts, and the partners also analyzed ways to improve the existing situation and increase the long-term sustainability of clubs. Options for future collaborations between clubs were also considered to increase opportunities; education, mobility and providing new opportunities for developing players to motivate them to stay in rugby, either as players or as part of the club’s organization and logistics. RK Zagreb relies for the most part on volunteer work and a solid community base. The conclusion of the meeting was that the further development of the club and rugby in Croatia in general requires greater media support and better coverage of this sport, as well as greater involvement of the main association and the support of the authorities.

After the meeting, the hosts prepared a joint lunch where partners socialized. The successful and productive day was concluded by attending the rugby match between RK Zagreb and RK Mladost.




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